Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

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The blog for Christine & Rob's gourmet breakfast products, family adventures, and more. A family tradition for more than a century.

Happy 4th of July!

Vince Hendricks - Thursday, July 04, 2013

Happy Independence Day from the youngest generation to the generations who came before us and built this great country of ours! ..


Introducing our new "Healthy, Helpful, Happy" Gift Pack

Vince Hendricks - Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We are so excited to offer you a "special gift pack" that combines Healthy...a 20 oz. box of our award winning slow toasted natural/organic oatmeal...Helpful...a copy of Michael Moss' Pulitzer Prize-winning best selling book, Salt, Sugar, Fat, about what is really behind the foods you buy at the grocery store...and Happy...after eating our yummy, slow-toasted, thick-cut oatmeal and reading Michael's book you will be a better informed and happier consumer on your way to a healthier and happier lifestyle. ..


Happy Mother's Day from our family to yours

Chris Bartell - Saturday, May 11, 2013

The "sons" of our family want to wish all our "mothers" a wonderful Mother's Day: Christine (mom & grandma), Lindy (mom of Josiah & Michael), Jenna (mom to Kaila & Lexi) and Lindsay (mom to Austen & Max). ..


Son Ian's Famous Oatmeal Fruit Smoothie Drink

Vince Hendricks - Thursday, May 02, 2013

Just received our son Ian's recipe for his "famous" Christine and Rob's Oatmeal fruit smoothie drink.   ..


Calling for Recipes and FUN Oatmeal ideas!

Vince Hendricks - Wednesday, May 01, 2013

For almost 30 Years (Yup it's been a long time!!) our wonderful and loyal customers have been sharing great recipe ideas.  So now we have a simple and easy way to share those ideas.  ..


Welcome to the New Website!

Vince Hendricks - Friday, April 26, 2013

Greetings oatmeal friends and gourmet breakfast pals and welcome to the new Christine & Rob's website! ..


Amazing Oatmeal Cookies

Chris Bartell - Friday, March 22, 2013

We recently made a batch of these scrumptious oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Wow! There's just something about the chew of the oats and the goo of the grated Hershey bar that makes this the best oatmeal cookie recipe ever!  ..


January is National Oatmeal Month

Chris Bartell - Tuesday, January 01, 2013

January is National Oatmeal Month and here's why you should eat more of it!  ..


Campout Pancakes

Chris Bartell - Saturday, August 04, 2012

Almost nothing beats hot pancakes for breakfast after a chilly night in the mountains!   ..


Our First Blog Post

Chris Bartell - Thursday, June 07, 2012

Well, maybe we're a bit old fashioned and a bit behind the times, but our blog is finally here. (So is our Facebook page if you'd like to visit.) ..


Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

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in the continental United States

All-Natural & Toasted to Perfection

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For more than two decades, Christine & Rob's oatmeal has been a part of breakfasts around the world.

It's slow-toasted like a gourmet coffee bean to bring about it's hearty, nutty, rich flavor.

Try it and you'll understand why our customers have been loyal "oatmealaholics" for years on end.