Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

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The blog for Christine & Rob's gourmet breakfast products, family adventures, and more. A family tradition for more than a century.

Our First Blog Post

Chris Bartell - Thursday, June 07, 2012

Well, maybe we're a bit old fashioned and a bit behind the times, but our blog is finally here. (So is our Facebook page if you'd like to visit.)

In the old days, we used to print a newsletter and we may even post some of those here so you can get a taste of our history.  

But now, we'll do our best to keep our website fresh and lively with this here blog.  We'll have recipe's, family stories and more posted here, so enjoy!

You can also sign up for our Newsletter to be notified of these posts, products we love and more.

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Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

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All-Natural & Toasted to Perfection

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For more than two decades, Christine & Rob's oatmeal has been a part of breakfasts around the world.

It's slow-toasted like a gourmet coffee bean to bring about it's hearty, nutty, rich flavor.

Try it and you'll understand why our customers have been loyal "oatmealaholics" for years on end.